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Clean & Safe

A clean and safe downtown is an inviting downtown and plays a major role in revitalization.

Whether it is new investments, increasing property values, to expanding our tax base to usher in new services and amenities, all those who live, work and visit downtown benefit. We take pride in enhancing the trash collection and safety services provided by the City of Fresno through our Clean & Safe Program.

The Clean Team Ambassador contributes by picking up litter, removing graffiti, and performing special maintenance projects. Downtown residents and commercial property owners, as well as business owners, benefit from a well-managed service that has a positive economic impact for a relatively low cost. In 2015, we increased our funding towards the clean program to purchase additional supplies and add a full-time ambassador to provide cleaning services. By hiring a Clean Team Ambassador, expanding the hours of operation, the Clean Team is dedicated to keeping up with our growing downtown

Our safety efforts include providing private security patrols to DFP’s Zone 3 district (Fulton Street between Tuolumne & Inyo Streets). In 2017, we increased our funding to support additional patrol hours. In addition, DFP team meets monthly with law enforcement, downtown security companies, and other key stakeholders to address downtown safety and security concerns.

Clean Team Hours: Monday-Friday, 7am-4pm
Security Patrols: Monday – Sunday, Overnight
Contact Info: 559.490.9966 ext 225